30 Sep 2019

10 money questions for ...

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In reply to 10 money questions for Tistje ... autism and money:

Every weekend, a newspaper appears in the newspaper De Tijd in the ‘Netto’ section in which a well-known or less well-known person is presented with ten money questions. It is one of the sections that I like to read. That's why I thought it would be nice to put it on Tistje once. Are you a blogger? Feel free to be inspired and take over the baton.


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Following the above post from Tistje, I thought it would be nice to fill this out for myself and share this with you.

  1. Do you spend a lot time think about money? Maybe not as much as I should. Unfortunately, in our society (globally, not specifically in the Netherlands), money plays a very important role in everyone’s life. Without money, living in a western country is very difficult. But whether I’m personally doing a lot about it? No actually not. I am not very handy with money matters either. That is why I am in budget management.
  2. Is money a driver for you? Partially. I won’t lie and say that money doesn’t hurt me. But it is not the primary motivator in my life. It is a means of survival and is therefore always good to have. Money alone does not make them happy, but it is always better to cry in a vila than in a box on the street.
  3. Do you consider the financial consequences of changes in your life? Yes. If it is a change in my life that has financial consequences, that is certainly a point for attention. Also because I do not manage my money directly, I am much more aware of the consequences. I will have to report / explain this to my budget management.
  4. Are you a price-conscious consumer? I think so. But this was born of necessity. If you live on the social minium like me, every cent that is spent must count. This has made me much more aware of money. I myself look for bargains and look for the right relationship. Something that is very cheap, but quickly breaks down or runs out, does not have to be better than the more expensive alternative. However, the price of the more expensive alternative should not be too expensive.
  5. Which expenses take the biggest bite out of your budget? Livelihood. These are the fixed costs, food and drink. In addition, I actually have nothing left for other things.
  6. What do you not save on? Livelihood. I cannot save on the fixed costs or the minimal food and drink that I get. I save on other things, such as clothing and luxury items such as going to the cinema or vacation.
  7. What is your biggest annoyance about money matters? Two things actually. The fact that there are people who assume that everyone has enough to do “normal” things like going out for a drink or eating out. The fact that money is seen as a social status. That people with more money are seen as more valuable. These are huge assumptions made by many people. I even heard through the remark that poverty does not exist in the Netherlands! The food banks alone are evidence to the contrary!
  8. What can you not spend money on? As I said, I live on the social minium; there are many things that I CAN’T spend money on. But I never spend money on really useless things. If I do that, I can also “throw the money into the ditch”. That is somewhat my benchmark for whether I can buy something that I do not need immediately.
  9. Are you a collector? In the past much more than nowadays. I collected comic books (Suske and Wiske) and stones. But nowadays I don’t collect anymore. I have a lot of books, and I really enjoy spending money on this for myself. If I have anything left then.
  10. What would you do if you won the Lotto? This is a question that many people in my situation sometimes dream of. First, I would pay and pay off all my debts. To my parents, for example, who have supported me through years. I would also help some friends who are close to me. Then I would probably hand it over to a company or organization that would manage and / or invest my money for me. So that I am able to keep my own pants on and have an apple for the thirst. Buying a dream car for myself is also on the wish list of course: wink:

Just like Tistje said; would you like to put this on your own blog, go ahead! I am curious about your answers.

Thanks for reading
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Tags: autisme geld persoonlijk 
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David Westerink
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I am David, born in 1984 and I'm autistic. I write blog posts and advocate for autism acceptance. I'm willing to talk to anyone about anything.

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